We guarantee the privacy of all data obtained through experiments. Note that all experiments allowed on ORSEE have been IRB-approved, and thus satisfy strict criteria for privacy policies.
- Data collection:
During all experiments, each participant is assigned a random identifier (e.g. a number), and all data generated by the participant are stored exclusively under the random identifier. Hence, nobody can match the data to any specific individual.
The identifier allows the experimenter to know that a set of data came from the same subject, without identifying him or her.
Names, university I.D. numbers, or other personal information that allows the identification
of a participant may be used for the payment process only, and only to justify the use of
experimental funds. Payment information is stored separately and independently from the experimental data.
- Data storage:
Experimental data are stored indefinitely, but exclusively under random
- Data use:
When processing the experimental data, a researcher can only see the random identifier assigned to any participant, and thus can only state that "subject x did this and that," where x is the random identifier.
The information you provide to the recruiting software will be used to send you invitations to
participate in experiments. Some experiments require that specific criteria be met (age, gender, not having participated in another experiment, etc...), and your data make it possible for the software to verify that an invitation should be sent.
Subject recruitment data, including your e-mail address, will never be communicated to anyone. You
can remove your name from the list and delete all information provided to the recruitment software
immediately, at any time. There are two ways of doing it
- In all the e-mails contacting you in order to participate in experiments, there will be a link to delete your data immediately.
- You can contact the lab manager at any time to request that your data be deleted.
Recruitment data are stored on this server only. The data collected in the experiments are stored independently on a different server and in the experimenters' computers. There is no connection between the two sets of data.
The data collected by the experimenter are subject to the IRB guidelines on data collection, data storage, and data use. The data collected on this website will be accessible to the researcher ONLY IF you participate in one of their experiments. The data collected by the researcher are NOT stored on ORSEE, except for the data on the numbers of no-shows and the previous experiments in which a participant has participated.
If you have any questions concerning the privacy policy or the confidentiality of your data, you can contact us through our e-mail at the bottom of the page. You can also contact Columbia University's Institutional Review Board through their website (click on "Ask the IRB" under "Contact us"), or directly by e-mail by clicking here.