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Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ answered the question of
Do you pay me for participating in experiments? How much? 305 persons
I've seen that there are sessions with free places in the calendar. Why I cannot register for these sessions? 252 persons
Do I have to show up when I am invited to an experiment? 228 persons
Who should I contact if I want to have more information about experiments? Who should I contact if I am worried about privacy? 211 persons
Where is the Columbia Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences located? 165 persons
Can I put in fake information when creating a subject account? 141 persons
What happens if too many people show up at a session? 140 persons
How can I cancel my registration for an experiment? 133 persons
Can you get me through the process of participating in an experiment? 132 persons
Can experimenters deceive me in their instructions, by misrepresenting or deliberately omitting some details of the experiment? 131 persons
What is the meaning of the three question marks "???" after an experiment under "Experiments you participated"? 125 persons
I had a question, and I am pretty sure it is frequently asked. Why is it not here? 118 persons
What is the difference between an "experiment" and a "session"? 112 persons
Who can I contact with questions or concerns? 110 persons
I have registered for an experiment, but cannot register for all the other experiments, because they disappeared! 109 persons
I see that there are sessions with available places in the calendar. How do I ask for an invitation to these sessions? 107 persons
How is my data protected? 105 persons
Who can apply for a subject account? 104 persons

For questions please contact